Come as you are. All are welcomed here!
Old Spanish Trail Baptist Church is a small, close-knit family church. We all have our flaws and we all lift each other up when we need to be lifted. There is a beautiful simplicity to a small church. Everyone knows each other. Everyone loves each other. We can feel when a brother or sister needs to be lifted up, cheered up and prayed up!! Here we believe in wearing the armor of God, for it is written we will be tempted and attacked by Satan and his minions from more than one side. We here at OSTBC are prayer warriors, for it is God who fights our battles while we pray to strengthen His angels and glorify Him that loves and protects us.
Come join us for a Holy Spirit-filled message given to us directly from the Bible by our Man of God Pastor, Paul Burdic. The message is always for someone in the sanctuary. Have you heard your message from God lately?
Community begins within the body of believers in Christ, but it does not stop there inside the building walls. The community around us is also a part of the church as a whole. You matter to us. Let us teach and show you who Jesus Christ is personally. Jesus waiting is for you. We are waiting for you all to join us. Bring the whole family. Come check us out.
Sunday Morning Bible Classes between 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship Services starts at 10:30 a.m. to 12 pm.
Wednesday Night Discipleship and Prayer service starts at 6 pm.
Leadership Meetings every second Friday of each month starts at 8 a.m. Church Leadership only!
Fishers of Men Meeting every third Monday evening each month starts at 6 pm. All men welcome!
Men's Prayer and Devotional Breakfast every other month on the first Saturday mornings starts at 8 a.m.
Women's Lucheon every other month on the first Saturday of the month starts at 11:30 a.m. All women welcome. Bring a dish.
Third Sunday Fellowship Meal every other month on the thrid Sunday of the month starts at 12 pm.
Round Robin Revival twice a year. Spring and Fall.
Impact Training:Sponsored by Mississippi Baptist Convention Board takes place between August and September each year.
Family Fun Day at the park in September.
Crusining with Christ between first and second week in October.
Christmas Party in the middle of December.
OCC Christmas Shoe Boxes. Gospel message around the world through a Christmas gift for the children each year.
Lottie Moon Collection for the IMB during December through January each year.
Annie Armstrong Easter Collection for the NAMB between the months of March and April.